Sunday, February 11, 2018

Dayre throwback Day 99 - Sunday, 9 Apr 2017

Day 99

Sunday, 9 Apr 2017

Have been running to the toilet since morning. 🙄 

Hopefully I won't have the urge when I'm in the car later. 🙏🏻

Ordered some stuff from taobao for the wedding prep, and it's surprisingly okay for the price that I'm paying.
Was actually contemplating, but after some advice from friends, decided to get it done online. 

And these are the few items ✌🏻
The tea set. Deciding if I should get 2 more cups. I don't like the idea and the number of 4 cups there.
And this, which was the one which one of my gf told me.
Rustic and vintage, not too bad.
With our initials on. 😍

And as I'm typing, I'm perspiring like mad in the bloody GrabCar.
 DUDE! YOU NEED TO TURN THE AIRCON UP. it's freaking bakingly hot in your damn car. 🙄 

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