Sunday, February 11, 2018

Dayre throwback Day 230 - Friday, 18 Aug 2017 journey to #SIMyloveforYEO πŸ‘£

Day 230

Friday, 18 Aug 2017

journey to #SIMyloveforYEO πŸ‘£

Busy week last week but ft was a well deserved ☺️



That feeling was sooooooo good. 

After one whole roundabout, it has finally been settled. 

Felt a whole lot of relief and load weight off our shoulders. 
The red carpeted stairway.. I vividly remember that feeling the moment I stepped foot into the hotel. 😍😍😍
Week after week.. heading in and out. It was my 4th or 5th time visiting that hotel. And I'm so Glad we've decided on this. This was the week before we headed to sign the contract, finalising and going through the details.
And the night before we headed to sign the contract, we headed to ben and jerry's. It was a rather impromptu decision.
On our way in to the hotel!!!

Settled down and headed to sign the contract..
Taken after a wedding during their teardown. 

Major major major love the ballroom. That feeling when you've finally found the right place is one that you can't describe 😍

Though the chandelier isn't exactly the kind of crystal chandelier but this is omg too pretty. Off with the traditional chandelier and in with the modern ones! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ and the walls. FAIRYLIGHTS πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹

And the ceiling height. 7.3m. FEEL LIKE ONE SUPER SHORT DWARF when I'm standing there.
No prizes for the ones who guessed the venue. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
And tadahhhhh. After signing of contract, had a little small treat for us.
Bittersweet feeling. 


Cos money's flying out but yet still happy over our decision.
I missed my latte that day was this close to buying it from Vivo but was slightly late so had to forgo it. Was even asking bee if the hotel serve latte for me. 

And heheheheh thankfully it did.
It was one rare occasion that even bee himself suggested to take a picture together.
Our happy faces after settling everything!!! It felt so surreal. Couldn't believe we're at this stage planning for our wedding. 

K a bit off topic but my hair seriously need to undergo the cut it deserved.
And here we are.. embarking out next life milestone together and on a journey to #SIMyloveforYEO
Buying cloth for the wedding diy.. and My man putting his bargaining skills to place but failed terribly. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ 
Way too early but since I had nothing to do, I did the table number placards. πŸ˜…
#dayrebrides #dayrebridetobe
HAHAHAHA came across this on instagram 🀣🀣🀣 

And it's the hard truth.
Lindelious (avatar)
Lindelious Congratulations on securing your venue! That is a gorgeous hotel! Oh! And your table cards are really pretty as well!
5 months ago
jereminepoh (avatar)
jereminepoh the table cards are really pretty!!! u are so talented
5 months ago
sonotshort (avatar)
sonotshort @Lindelious thank you babe!! Printed it from the net πŸ˜‡

@jereminepoh I cheated a little πŸ˜… edited via the net and printed it.

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