Sunday, February 11, 2018

Dayre Throwback Day 75 - Monday, 16 Mar 2015 day 1/24

Bee flew to Brunei just earlier this morning and will only be back on April! 24 days of countdown, and during this period I will be packed and drowned with assignments.

Right before he left home to the airport.

A photo with his family.

Had the help of a random stranger to take a photo of us and he just had to say "biggg smile" couldn't help it but I had to control my laughter for what he had said.

Another of us before I headed back with his family.


It's just day 1/24. Definitely can't wait for April to be over.

His awkward selfie he sent me while on his way to the boarding gate

My handsome boy!

Lined with him when he got there safely. A pity it was quite lag and so we couldn't hear what we both were saying. 

 Nothing is really ever apart so long as two hearts are together. 

Still, I love you and be safe there! Not sure if you'll ever be reading this, but yes, take care of yourself and have fun with nature! 😌
Side note, plans were screwed today. And I'm so lazy that I can't drag myself out to jog. Shall do it Tmr.

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