Sunday, February 22, 2009

pissed off

When some things aren't meant to be yours, no matter how hard you try it's of no use.
I know you will be reading this but seriously if i don't blog it out, it will make my blood boil.
I won't care if are unhappy with me or what.
I'm still going to write it cause it will just make me feel less angered.
First of all,
I'm so not your punching bag which as and when you happy you wouldn't punch it,
and if you're not happy with certain things, you start punching it.
What am i to you? Just because you are du lan(pissed off) at certain things, you can throw your temper around and start using vulgarities on me.
Fine, about that throw temper thing it's what everyone will do. That, it's okay.
But does that even give you the right to use vulgarity.
And if you want me to leave you alone then fine lah,
Say what i keep telling you "Up to you" or something like that.
That's how i answer when i don't know what decision to make. And i'm sure that applies to some people. Which so happens that i'm that some people.
I don't wish to elaborate.
Blood's boiling till it can scald someone badly.
Oh yah before i forget, if you don't feel like talking then don't talk.

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